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ECE Student Organizations

Club of Future Female Electrical Engineers (COFFEE)



The Club of Future Female Electrical Engineers (COFFEE) at UC Davis is an organization aimed towards promoting academics, retention, and community among women in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.

Links to Social Media: 


Electrical and Computer Engineering-Graduate Student Association (ECE-GSA)

GSA logo, block letters white background


The Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association (ECE-GSA) is a student-run organization that aims to assist the student members in achieving a productive, enjoyable, and enriching experience during their stay at UC Davis. The ECE-GSA organizes weekly coffee hours, mock exams for PhD prelims and QEs, barbecues, peer-mentoring sessions, and more.

Links to Social Media:


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)



We are a student branch of The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers here at UC Davis. We are all Electrical Engineers who are motivated to advance ourselves in this field. By joining IEEE, you will be part of our network. You will learn skills and be socially integrated into our electrical engineering community. MEMBERSHIP IS FREE!!

Links to Social Media:


College of Engineering Events Calendar Submission Form

Please click the following Link to submit any campus events that your organization is hosting. Your event will be viewable on the College of Engineering events list, as well as the Electrical and Computer Engineering events calendar.