Bio, Ag and Health Technologies

Bio, Ag and Health Technologies

Bio, Ag and Health Technologies

The study of biological systems in UC Davis’ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is a highly collaborative, cross-disciplinary research effort. Understanding, engineering and interfacing with biological systems are among the most important challenges facing society today, and impacting numerous fields from basic biological science to agriculture and human health. In general, ECE offers a wide range of techniques and approaches for studying and interacting with biological systems, and this research program is focused on expanding the intersection between ECE and biology and medicine. Some of the exciting areas where ECE plays a central role include biosensing and instrumentation development, biophotonics, health informatics, bioinformatics, neuroscience and neural engineering, mechanization and automation of specialty crops, precision agriculture, and biomaterials and bioelectronic devices.

Bio, Ag and Health Technologies Faculty


Portrait Image

Weijian Yang

Position Title
  • Associate Professor and Graduate Advisor