ECE and Graduate Studies Forms and Documents
ECEGP updated the degree requirements in April 2023. Students who started their perspective graduate programs before Fall 2023 can choose to follow: either 1) existing degree requirements; or 2) updated degree requirements. Students who started their perspective graduate programs Fall 2023 or later must follow the updated degree requirements.
In this webpage, forms 2022 version are for the existing degree requirements, while 2023 version are for the updated degree requirements.
When you are ready to submit any form(s) that needs a signature from Graduate Advisor, Graduate Chair or Graduate Coordinator please follow this procedure:
Make sure you get all required signatures before sending in the form. Once signatures are complete, email form to
Your form will be reviewed and signed by the appropriate person in the ECE department and forwarded onto Graduate Studies and your student file.
Academic and deadline dates are managed by the Registrar and Graduate Studies. Please review dates often Academic Calendar.
E.C.E. Forms
Change of Major Professor (pdf version, DocuSign)
Declaration of Major Professor/Co-Advisor (pdf version, DocuSign)
EEC 290 Waiver Form (pdf version, DocuSign)
EEC299 Form (pdf version, DocuSign)
IDP MS Plan I Program of Study (2022version, 2023pdf version, 2023DocuSign)
IDP MS Plan II Program of Study (2022version, 2023pdf version, 2023DocuSign)
MS Comprehensive Examination Application (2022version, 2023version)
Verification of Completion of Comprehensive Exam (2022version, 2023version)
MS Plan I Program of Study (2022version, 2023pdf version, 2023DocuSign)
MS Plan II Program of Study (2022version, 2023pdf version, 2023DocuSign)
MS Thesis Committee (pdf version, DocuSign)
Ph.D. Guidance Committee Selection (pdf version, DocuSign)
Ph.D. Program of Study (2022version, 2023pdf version, 2023DocuSign)
Qualifying Exam for Comprehensive Exam Agreement Form (pdf version, DocuSign)
PhD Exit Seminar Verification Form (pdf version, DocuSign)
Remedial Courses - Students without an ECE Degree
Restricted Courses
Graduate Studies Forms
Located on the Forms page of the Graduate Studies website
Candidacy for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) - Plan B
Candidacy for the Master's Degree - Comprehensive Exam Plan II
Candidacy for the Master's Degree - Thesis Plan I
Dissertation Information and Procedure
Filing Fee
Graduate Exit Form
In Absentia Policy
Master's Report Form Plan II
Planned Educational Leave Program (PELP)
Qualifying Exam Application
Residence and Transfer Credits
Thesis/Dissertation Copyright and Embargo Agreement
Travel Award Form and Information