Annual Mandatory Advising

Annual Mandatory Advising

Annual Mandatory Advising

To assist students in completing their program in a timely manner, and to ensure that students are well prepared for courses, annual advising is mandatory in the College of Engineering.  Advising holds are placed on a student’s account once a year.


Summer Advising Holds (All Freshmen)

Students will attend group advising sessions: 

  • Discuss major requirements & expectations.
  • Students will know what support services are available on campus and major resources.
  • Icebreaker activity for students to get to know each other & major advisors.
  • Students will develop an academic plan for their first three quarters
  • Drop-in Advising available through the Fall quarter

Fall Advising Holds (All Seniors)

Students will attend an advising session or a senior workshop.

  • Discuss major progress: review the academic plan and complete a degree audit.
  • Evaluate graduation plan, pending courses, and other related content.  
  • Students will be given the option to meet with a faculty advisor to discuss academic or career inquiries.
  • Drop-in Advising available through the Fall quarter.
  • Seniors, please have your Academic Plan and/or Degree Worksheet updated before your appointment with your academic advisor. 
  • Winter registration is blocked effective end of finals.

Winter Advising Holds (Juniors) 

Students will participate in one campus engagement and meet with a faculty advisor.

  • Students must meet with a faculty advisor to discuss academic or career inquiries. Advisors will provide academic packages via DocuSign to the faculty you selected.
    • Complete the Google form to let your advisor know which faculty you selected.
  • Students have assessed skills and made growth plans.
  • Students can participate in one campus engagement to identify internships, career services, or volunteer opportunities related to their career interests or development goals.
  • Students know what support services are available on campus.
  • Juniors, please have your Academic Plan and/or Degree Worksheet updated before your appointment with your academic advisor.
  • Express Advising is available through the Winter quarter.
  • Spring registration is blocked at the end of finals.

Spring Advising Holds (Sophomores)

Students will participate in one campus engagement or attend an advising session.

  • Students understand the benefits of campus and departmental engagement options such as research, career development, and study abroad available in their program/university.
  • Students know what support services are available on campus
  • Students will develop an academic plan for their middle college years
  • Students can develop a resume and cover letter
  • Sophomores, please have your Academic Plan and/or Degree Worksheet updated before your appointment with your academic advisor.
  • Drop-in Advising available through the Winter quarter
  • Fall registration is blocked effective end of finals


  • Releasing Holds
  • How to release your hold: To release your registration hold, complete one listed engagement and the Mandatory Advising Engagement Form (for Sophomores and Juniors only).


    Freshmen: Students will attend group advising sessions over the summer.


    Sophomores: Students will participate in one campus engagement or attend an advising session.


    Juniors: Students can participate in academic advising or campus engagement, and meet with a Faculty Advisor.


    Seniors: Students will meet with their major advisor or attend a drop-in advising session.

  • Advising Appointments
  • To release your mandatory hold, please complete one of the listed engagements according to your grade level. For Sophomores and Juniors make sure to complete the Mandatory Advising Engagement Form if you participate in a campus academic engagement.  

    You can schedule an Advising Appointment here, or you can attend a drop-in session through Express Advising
  • Engagement Options
  • Participate in any Internship and Career Center Workshop, calendar here.
    See an Internship and Career Center Advisor during drop-in hours or schedule an appointment, schedules here.  
    Participate in a Graduate Studies workshop, calendar here
    Participate in any Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services Pre-graduate workshop, calendar here.
    Attend a UCEAP information event, calendar of events here
    Attend a College of Engineering or ECE Department event here
    Attend an E-Week Event here

    To release your registration hold, complete one listed engagement and the Mandatory Advising Engagement Form (for Sophomores and Juniors only).
  • Do You Plan to Change Your Major?
  • If you plan to change to another major within the College of Engineering, please meet with an advisor from your intended major to clear your hold. If you plan to change to a major outside of the College of Engineering and are currently declared in the electrical or computer engineering major, please meet with the ECE advisor to clear your hold. Only students changing out of the major can have their hold released during drop-in hours. 
  • Academic Probation Information
  • Any student on academic probation should see an advisor in the Engineering Undergraduate Office. Visit both the College of Engineering Undergraduate Advising website and the Registrar's web catalog for more information. 
  • Steps to meet with an ECE Faculty Advisor 
  • Student Instructions: 
    - The student will need to schedule a time to meet with their desired ECE faculty member to discuss their future academic plans and other academic or career questions.
    - Once students have identified what faculty they will be meeting with, they will let their advisor know by completing this Google Form that their advisor can then send via DocuSign their academic package for review and signature. 
    - What is included in a student’s academic package to faculty:
         - Student’s transcript
         - Degree worksheet updated with current courses.
         - Three-quarter academic plan (make sure you have this ready when you meet with your advisor)
    - After you meet with your selected faculty, they will sign your package via DocuSign, this will trigger a message being sent to your advisor, who will then know you have completed this last step and lift your Mandatory Hold.