RF-to-THz Electronics and Waves

RF-to-THz Electronics and Waves

RF-to-THz Electronics and Waves

RF, Micro- and Millimeter-waves constitute a vital area of electrical engineering encompassing design, modeling, simulation, experimentation and analysis of single devices, circuits, sub-systems and packaging with applications to communications, imaging, fusion energy, radar and sensing systems, biology, energy harvesting and basic science.  Faculty and students are engaged in a range of basic and applied research projects that focus on the efficient generation, propagation and detection of electromagnetic energy in the frequency range from approximately 100 MHz to greater than 1 THz. Topics of research include:

  • Radio frequency 
  • High efficiency wide band gap circuits
  • Active microwave frequency multiplication networks
  • Integrated passive components
  • Millimeter-wave phased array antennas
  • Conformal antenna arrays
  • High power GaN amplifiers and frequency multipliers
  • Microfabricated millimeter-wave and THz vacuum electronics sources
  • Millimeter-wave passive and active imaging systems
  • RF/Microwave/Millimeter-wave packaging
  • Millimeter-wave System-on-Chip (SoC) implementations
  • Wireless chemical and bio-sensor nodes and reading systems.

See our research Photo Gallery.

RF-to-THz Electronics and Waves Faculty


Emeriti Faculty

Portrait Image

Linda Katehi

Position Title
  • Distinguished Faculty Emerita and Chancellor Emerita