
The UC Davis ECE Graduate Program

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Program provides graduate instruction and cutting-edge research in a wide spectrum of areas including communications, control, networking, and signal processing; computer engineering; electronic circuits; optoelectronics; radio frequency (RF), micro- and millimeter waves; and physical electronics.

The graduate program is tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual student. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged, and the ECEGP has strong synergy with other departments and programs on campus.

The ECE Ph.D. program is affiliated with the Designated Emphases in Biotechnology/Biophotonics inter-graduate group programs, which allow Ph.D. students to receive and be credited for training in the areas of biotechnology and biophotonics -- find out more about our designated emphases.

Explore our graduate programs -- including a traditional thesis-based M.S. degree and a master's program tailored for professionals -- our renowned department, our outstanding faculty and our commitment to excellence in engineering research.

Information Session Slide Deck (PDF)
MS Workshop Webinar (MP4)
MS Workshop Slide Deck (PDF)
PhD Preliminary Exam Workshop slide deck (PDF)
ECE Virtual Visit 2025 PowerPoint (PDF)