
Forms & Internship Information

Key Forms and Information

Internship Forms and Information

  • Undergraduate Variable Unit Course (EEC 199)
  • If you will be conducting research alongside a faculty member, please complete the form below and submit it to your advisor to receive a CRN number to enroll in the course. 

    If you would like to conduct your own unique research project, please follow the steps below to submit your proposal for the intended special study, you will also need an ECE faculty member to be your mentor throughout your internship. You will earn 1 unit of credit for every 30 hours completed, up to a maximum of 6 units that can be applied toward your technical elective.

    What to include in your written proposal: Provide the committee with a detailed document regarding the project you will be working on and how it is relevant to your current program of study or interests. What are your expected goals and outcomes from participating in this special study, how many hours per week do you plan to invest, and how many units are you hoping to obtain after your project is completed.

    1. Create a proposal for your intended special study. Make sure to also include the faculty member’s information. 

    2. Submit your proposal to Ileana Oseguera, ECE Program Coordinator at

    3. The ECE Undergraduate Committee will review your proposal. 

    4. If your proposal is approved, you will complete the EEC 199 form listed below and send it back to the Program Coordinator. Upon receiving the form, you will be given a CRN or PTA number to enroll in the course.

    5. Use the CRN or PTA number provided to enroll in the course and the correct amount of units needed.

    Please note that our committee meets once a month, which may fall after the deadline for adding a course via CRN, and the final day to add a course with a PTA. Please plan to submit your proposal at least 3-4 weeks before your course registration deadline.

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  • Internship for Academic Credit (EEC 192)
  • To obtain academic credit for an off-campus internship in the ECE department, it is necessary to have a faculty sponsor from our department. This sponsor must be from the ECE department specifically, and cannot be from another department within the university. Throughout your enrollment in EEC 192, you will be under the guidance of the ECE faculty member who will serve as your campus sponsor. Your advisor will provide you with the CRN number to register. You will earn 1 unit of credit for every 30 hours completed, up to a maximum of 6 units that can be applied toward your technical elective. Please complete the "ECE 192 Internship for Academic Credit Form" form.

    Please ensure that you and the ECE faculty sponsor complete the first two pages of the "ECE 192 Internship for Academic Credit Form". Your site supervisor will need to fill out the last two pages, and you will also need to submit a written report or any other necessary documents as requested by your faculty advisor. Your faculty will use these documents to grade you for the class on a Pass/No Pass basis.

    Furthermore, should you opt to register for EEC 192 in any of the summer sessions, you will need to cover the tuition and fees for the summer term/terms you enroll. You may want to consult your faculty sponsor about the possibility of registering for this course during the fall term to bypass summer tuition and fees. The only change will be that the course will be designated for the fall term instead of summer, and the units you take will then reflect once grades are submitted. 

    Steps to follow:

    1. Find an ECE Faculty Sponsor.

    2. Complete the initial two forms.

    3. Have the Faculty Sponsor sign the form.

    4. Submit the form to the Academic Advisor to obtain a CRN and enroll in the course. If it's after the regular registration period, you will need to request a PTA.

    5. Enroll in the course with the agreed upon APPROPRIATE NUMBER OF UNITS in consultation with your faculty sponsor and site supervisor.

    6. Upon completion of the internship, provide the last two pages to your site supervisor for the internship review.

    7. Submit the final documentation as requested by the faculty sponsor.

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