Undergraduate Advising

Undergraduate Advising

We are here to help you

Academic advisors are here to help you get the most out of your undergraduate engineering education and prepare for a successful career. Please see below about how our Electrical and Computer Engineering advising staff can endeavor to serve you and how you can contact them with questions via eceugradinfo@ucdavis.edu or make an online advising appointment using the links below.

ECE Express Advising

Express advising is meant to be a tool to access advisors for quick and urgent questions about Electrical and Computer Engineering major and minor requirements. (ECE course requirements, academic plans, internship questions, PTA requests, etc.). This feature is available in the form of quick 10-minute appointments via Zoom.

ECE Express Advising Hours for Winter 2025:
  • Mondays: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
  • Tuesdays: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Wednesdays: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Upcoming Closures:
  • President's Day Feb 17
  • Cesar Chavez Holiday Mar 28
  • Memorial Day May 26

Virtual Front Desk System


ECE Express Advising 

  • Welcome to ECE Express Advising! Express advising is meant to be a tool to access advisors for quick and urgent questions about Electrical and Computer Engineering major and minor requirements (ECE course requirements, academic plans, internship questions, PTA requests, etc.). This feature is available in the form of quick 10-minute appointments via Zoom. Virtual Front Desk system: https://ece.advisingfrontdesk.lsit.ucdavis.edu

    Express advising is offered on a one-on-one, first-come, first-serve basis. If your question requires a more in-depth meeting with a major advisor, please schedule an advising appointment with a major advisor here

    Please note that inquiries related to College of Engineering and GE/University requirements, Academic Policies and Regulations, Degree Checks, Filing for graduation, Study Abroad, Academic Probation, and Subject to Disqualification inquiries not related to course planning, Withdrawal, and Readmission are for Engineering Undergraduate Office advisors. Please register for EUO Express Advising or schedule an appointment with an EUO Advisor here.

Undergraduate Program Advisors for Electrical and Computer Engineering


Undergraduate Program Coordinator headshot image, blurred background

Undergraduate Program Coordinator 

Ileana Oseguera

Office Location: 2064 Kemper                                                    

Email: eceugradinfo@ucdavis.edu   

Advising and Office hours: 

  • Students with last names: A-L
  • In-Person: Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (by appointment)
  • Remote: Monday, Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (by appointment)

Click here to schedule an appointment



Pascal Gonzalez

Undergraduate Academic Advisor

Pascal Gonzalez

Office Location: 2064 Kemper

Email: eceugradinfo@ucdavis.edu

Advising and Office hours: 

  • Students with last names: M-Z
  • In-Person: Mondays: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (by appointment)
  • Remote: Tuesday-Wednesday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (by appointment)

Click here to schedule an appointment




Hussain Al-Asaad

Vice Chair for Undergraduate Studie

Hussain Al-Asaad

Email: eceugradinfo@ucdavis.edu   

Website: https://www.ece.ucdavis.edu/~halasaad/

Office hours: 

  • In Person: W 3:30pm-4:30pm, 2113 Kemper Hall, Via Zoom: TR 8:00 pm-9:00 pm, or via an appointment.


Engineering Undergraduate Office

Drop-in hours: see website
Location: Kemper 1050                                                               
Phone: 530-752-1979

Drop-in hours are subject to change without notice. 

Peer Advisors for Electrical and Computer Engineering

The ECE peer advisors are senior electrical or computer engineering students. Peer advisors are high-achieving and have a vast knowledge of departmental courses and resources. They are here to help new students to transition into the life as a student in the university as well as work with all students in the major who need guidance from someone who has been in their shoes. To schedule an appointment, visit the Advising Appointment System website and select “Electrical & Computer Engineering.”


Kavya Khare Student Assistant

Kavya Khare

Peer Advisor Drop-In Hours (in-person in Kemper 2064 or online):

  • Tuesdays: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
  • Thursdays: 1:00 - 3:00 pm


  • Link
  • Meeting ID: 706 848 2416

Email: kkhare@ucdavis.edu


Harshvir Peer Advisor

Harshvir Dhaliwal

Peer Advisor Hours (in-person in Kemper 2064 or online): 

  • Mondays: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 
  • Wednesdays: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 


  • Link
  • Meeting ID: 979 966 2469

Email: hkdhaliw@ucdavis.edu


Faculty Advisors 2024-2025

The best resource for advice on career plans, choice of major, choice of elective courses and for the writing of letters of recommendation for prospective jobs or graduate school admission are faculty advisors. Any ECE faculty member may serve as your advisor; however we recommend selecting a faculty member whose research/specialty area align with your interests to get the most out of the meeting.

The ECE department highly encourages juniors and seniors in the electrical and computer engineering majors to schedule a faculty advising after meetings with their major advisor. This meeting allows students to discuss their career goals, possible internships, needed skills, and academic tracks. The advising process is outlined below:

The steps are as follows:

  1. The student meets with ECE advisor and provides an updated academic plan which includes chosen electives
  2. The ECE advisor reviews the plan and other pertinent major information
  3. The student chooses a faculty member to meet with
  4. The student schedules a time to meet with a faculty member; in person, during office hours, or via Zoom
  5. The student then communicates to their ECE Advisor which faculty member they selected via email
  6. The ECE advisor combines the academic plan with the completed degree checklist into one file and forwards it to the selected faculty member to review with the student during the appointment