Computer Engineering
Computer engineering research addresses the design and implementation of computer-based systems, encompassing both hardware and software, and both theory and experiment, to address the most important and challenging applications in computing today. Trends in this field include an increased need for mobile, cloud, embedded, parallel and secure computing, all connected by ubiquitous, high-performance and secure networks; computing systems that are high performance, energy efficient, efficiently programmed, trustworthy and provably correct; novel architectures and technologies and systems targeting applications in a particular domain. The computer engineering faculty in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are well-positioned to address these challenges. They bring a broad range of expertise to these exciting topics in both the laboratory and the classroom, and collaborate on research projects across the department, the college, the university and beyond.

Computer Organization and Digital Hardware
Research in computer organization focuses on design, optimization and implementation of hardware systems for efficient and secure execution of various applications. Work is carried out in close coordination with parallel computing and software activities. Areas of research include digital signal processor architectures, scalar and parallel computer architecture, VLSI design, hardware security and validation of digital systems.

Computer System and Hardware Security
Security is a dynamic problem requiring continuous solution development. Latest industry report indicates cybercrime costs the US economy nearly $120 billion a year. The objective of this research is to continuously develop and improve hardware and software security and trust solutions at the 1) systems/application level, 2) architectural and board level, 3) embedded-device level, 4) FPGA and ASIC level and 5) circuit level (including analog, RF, and digital). The research problems in this field are multidisciplinary in nature, requiring knowledge in computer architecture, VLSI design, applied machine learning, embedded systems and computer systems.

High-Performance and Parallel Computing
Today's computing systems, whether portable, desktop, cloud, or supercomputer, must deliver high performance, high confidence, good programmability, and a reasonable cost. Our work in this area focuses on designing the software and hardware for these systems, with a focus on parallel computing techniques that allow many processors to work together to enable high-performance, secure, highly-programmable low-cost systems.

Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems
This area focuses on application-specific computing systems and their tight integration with the physical and human systems though which machines can sense, monitor, analyze, predict and influence the physical world at unprecedented temporal and spatial scale and resolution. The area offers an interesting blend of theory and practice, and has a wide ranging applications such as smart health, autonomous driving and precision agriculture.

Computer Networks
The computer networks group works in the general area of communication networks and wireless/mobile systems, including cellular networks, cognitive radio networks, heterogeneous mesh networks, software defined networks, data centers, wireless sensor networks, vehicular ad hoc networks, internet-of-things, network management and traffic engineering, network measurements, network information theory and network security. We also pursue collaborative, interdisciplinary projects applying data science and machine learning techniques to different network protocol stacks, networked systems and applications.