2024 ECE 100+ Gifts on Give Day Challenge:
In 2024, ECE received 125 gifts that unlocked a $10K challenge gift from Babak Taheri '94! All donations greater than $5 directly go to provide our ECE students with cutting-edge education to be successful in their careers. Funds are used for essential supplies and tools students use in our newly renovated teaching labs, acquisition and maintenance of equipment, support design projects, student clubs, small grants to students in need, etc..
Matching Gift Programs
Several employers sponsor matching gift programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. Find out if your company offers a matching gift by typing your employer’s name in our database. We encourage you to request such a match for the UC Davis Foundation to benefit the “Electrical and Computer Engineering Excellence Fund”. Your human resources office is usually the best place to start if you think you might be able to have your gift matched. Please contact Leigh Ann Hartman, Assistant Dean of Development and External Relations in the College of Engineering, for any questions.
When a gift is submitted you will see two drop-down boxes. Areas to Support should already say “College of Engineering”. You will need to populate the Fund Designation drop-down box with “Electrical and Computer Engineering Excellence Fund” as shown below.
Please contact your alumni friends and encourage them to participate!