Alumni Award Nominations

UC Davis ECE Distinguished Alumni Award

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has a proud history of educating and nurturing technological innovators, leaders, and engineers for nearly 70 years. Our alumni base is strong and has made immense contribution to the development of cutting edge technologies. Our alumni’s success and accomplishment highlight the important role of the Department in educating generations of talents for the state, the nation, and the world. 

The ECE Distinguished Alumni Award honors UC Davis ECE graduates who have made professional and technical contributions that bring distinction to themselves, the department, and the University. The award is based on nomination from alumni, faculty, and students, and is selected each year by the UC Davis ECE Department Awards Committee. 

Nominate your fellow alumni for this award

Nomination letters should be submitted in pdf format that contains the following information:

  1. Full name and contact information of the nominee
  2. Full name and contact information of the nominator
  3. Specific works and contributions of the nominee with strong impact or potential impacts
  4. Links to relevant websites, news releases, and other recognitions
  5. An additional letter of support from individuals with direct knowledge of the contribution

Proceed to the UC Davis ECE Distinguished Alumni Award nomination form 

Past Winners:

Past winners:

2019: Connie Chang-Hasnain 

2021: Frank Mong 

2023: Stephan Schell