
Outstanding Senior Spotlight: Noah Wagner

After taking an AP physics course in high school, Noah Wagner was inspired to pursue electrical engineering. It is no surprise, then, that Wagner has created a body of work at the University of California, Davis, with a strong gravitational pull.

ECExpo 2024

Join us for ECExpo 2024 on April 5, 10am-6:30pm

Come learn about the exciting new developments in education and research in ECE at UC Davis! An agenda for the event is included below.

Event registration is now closed. Please email Rebecca Bailey (rbailey@ucdavis.edu), if you missed the RSVP deadline but would still like to participate!

The Nexus of Learnings

Regardless of their senior design project focus–whether it was on plants, self-driving cars, robots or flying cows–this year’s group of electrical and computer engineering seniors said perseverance, problem solving, project management skills and teamwork were the most valuable takeaways they experienced as part of this year’s senior design projects.