Davis Quantum Journal Club Offers Multidisciplinary Discussions
The beginning of the year signals a plethora of clubs and activities vying for your attention. If you’re looking for a platform to explore Quantum Information that also offers access to networking opportunities with students and professors, the Davis Quantum Journal Club commences its multidisciplinary discussion seminar run on October 9th.
Over the past 50 years classical and quantum information theory gained, slowly but steadily, an increasingly prominent role in modern science and engineering. With this perspective in mind, the Physics Department and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department are happy to kick-off the Davis Quantum Journal Club: a monthly interdisciplinary seminar series on Quantum Information and its increasingly prominent role in academic and industrial research. Each seminar will be led by two speakers who will provide a theoretical and an experimental perspective on the topic of the month and jointly guide the audience through the quirks of Quantum Information concepts. The intended audience ranges from undergraduates to professors, and we encourage participation from all departments on campus. Snacks and drinks will be offered.
2019 Fall Quarter meetings will take place in the Physics Building, Room 432 on the following Wednesdays:
- 9th of October, 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm
- 6th of November, 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm
- 4th of December, 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm
You can find an abstract and reading for the first meeting here: https://forms.gle/WGJeKZaDt3ge9ihs8.
(Please note – you must be signed into your UC Davis Account to view the form)
If you are interested in attending this month’s meeting, please fill out the RSVP form here so we have a gauge on how many people we need to provide refreshments for: https://forms.gle/WGJeKZaDt3ge9ihs8.