Plasma Diagnostics

Jo-Han Yu Presents at Third European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics 

Jo-Han Yu gave her oral presentation -- Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging (ECEI) and Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (MIR) Fusion Diagnostics Advances Employing Millimeter-wave System-on-Chip Developments -- at the 3rd European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics in Lisbon, Portugal. She will also deliver an invited talk titled Revolution in Microwave Imaging of Magnetic Fusion Plasmas on her work at the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP2019) in November. Her co-advisers are Profs. Linda Katehi and Neville Luhmann, and she is expected to graduate in the fall of 2019. We look forward to the continued success of our students!

Yu PresentsThe AAPPS-DPP2019 will take place Monday 4 to Friday 8 November at Crowne Plaza Hefei in Hefei, China. Hosted by Department of Engineering and Applied Physics, USTC, the event will feature prizes and awards including the 2019 S. Chandrasekhar Prize, AAPPS-DPP Young Research Award (U40), AAPPS-DPP U30 Doctoral Scientist/Student Ward and AAPPS-DPP 2019 Poster Prize. The 2019 S. Chandrasekhar Prize winner should give plenary talk at APPC-14 (Borneo island). Best of luck to Jo-Han!

To learn more about the conference where Jo-Han will be speaking at please visit: learn more about Jo-Han’s work and presentation, please look HERE.

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