ECE Awards

A Look Back at the 2019 ECE Awards Ceremony

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering would like to congratulate its awardees on their having been recognized in the recent 2019 Award Ceremony. Professor John Owens, who won the ECE Faculty Distinguished Research Award, said, “I’m surprised and thankful, and deeply appreciative of the recognition of my colleagues for the successes we’ve had in our research group. And what an honor to be part of an awards ceremony that recognized so many deserving students!” Regarding his being a part of the UC Davis ECE, he also said, “I’m proud to work with a great team of people, from my amazing faculty colleagues to a group of talented, hardworking staff to supportive, thoughtful department and college leadership. I’m so proud to call this department my home.” Furthermore, he highlights the work of the students in his research group, saying, “Every piece of work we do in our group is led by students. All of our successes are due to them. I couldn’t be prouder of all their accomplishments, at least until they graduate and go on to do even greater things with their careers and their lives. Building this research group, one that cooperates and collaborates and shares in each others’ successes, is the absolute highlight of my career.”

Congratulations also to Ranil Ganlath and his entire team (Henry Nguyen, Brianna Phu, Naveed Oroumchian, Baden Rhoads), who won the Outstanding Senior Design Project Award for Project Elric. Ranil feels great pride in winning this award, saying, “Aside from bringing me immense joy, this award acts as a piece of evidence to help justify all the sleepless nights, blood, sweat, and tears spent working on this senior design project.” He attributes this success largely to teamwork, saying, “Attaining this award was by no means a single effort. It took the sacrifices, determination, and passion of a wonderful team of hard-working members who chose to make this senior design a priority over their academic and social lives.” He also said that “being part of the ECE department makes [him] proud.” He’s thankful to Professor Rajeevan Amirtharajah and Professor Andre Knoesen for their guidance and opportunities and says that because of them and the support of the ECE, “we were able to bring this dream to fruition.”

The ECE also congratulates Christian Gonzalez, winner of the TI Scholar Award, who said, “This award really means a lot to me, I have been putting in a lot of work into my academic career just like the rest of my peers, and to win this award really makes me feel like the work is paying off.” He also gives voice to our sentiments about our departmental and campus community, saying, “I’m proud to be a part of not only the ECE department, but the university in general. It’s a great opportunity to be able to work with amazing students and faculty that embody the culture of a cooperative success. Everybody wants everyone to succeed and I think that’s a unique part about being here.” Christian expressed his gratitude to his friends and family, as well as the faculty who have provided him advice and guidance.

Congratulations to Te-Chen Lin, who was surprised and glad to receive the Soohoo Lee Award. She explained that it encourages her to keep working hard in analog circuit design, and her gratitude goes out to her PI, Prof. Liu, “for the advising and kindly assistance when [encountering] problems.” Te-Chen Lin studied in physics as an undergrad but switched to ECE out of a love of and appreciation for electronics. She said, “I think it’s a correct decision and I love this major. Besides, as an international student, I need to pay a lot for the tuition, and this award definitely ease the burden of my family.”

In our own ECE office, Christina Modica, winner of the ECE Staff Star Award, said, “It is such an honor to have received this award given that I have only been with the department for 1 year. To me, it helps solidify that I am doing a good job and to keep doing what I’m doing.” Christina is proud to be a part of the ECE department, saying, “I can say in all my years I have never worked with a better group of people who truly come together to help each other out when it is needed. The staff of the ECE department are the epitome of teamwork.” Christina wants to thank everyone in the department, explaining that “everyone has been great and welcoming,” she says, “in my first year. I hope to continue to provide great service to this department and look forward to what the future may hold.” Congratulations, Christina! We’re very proud to have you as a member of our team here at the ECE.

Congratulations to all of the winners and awardees (more reflections to come). A special thank you to the Khadar Shaik family and Anil Jain Family for attending our ceremony and presenting awards.

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