image of Prof. Hihath

Professor Josh Hihath Awarded the 2020 Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Award by Graduate Studies

Please join us in celebrating Professor Josh Hihath as a 2020 recipient of the Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Award by Graduate Studies!

The graduate group-wide, Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Awards recognizes faculty that provide outstanding service in advising and mentoring at the program level. Professor Hihath’s program selected him for this award due to his excellent service to his graduate program, as well as his positive impact on graduate students and his colleagues.

“Graduate Studies is committed to showcasing and promoting positive mentoring experiences like yours. Graduate advising and mentoring is vital for guiding students through their degrees and professional development, while also helping to ensure their overall success and well-being. Your efforts exemplify outstanding service in mentorship and we hope you will join us in championing the benefits and significance of graduate student mentoring across campus,” said Jean-Pierre Delplanque, Vice Provost and Dean – Graduate Studies.

 Professor Hihath’s program highlighted the following when nominating:

"The comments from his mentees speak to his 'ability to teach [them] critical skills such as troubleshooting' and 'spending countless hours in the laboratory to help [the] students solve problems.' Others underscore his passion 'in his research and taking what [his students] do very seriously'. Several students praise him as being 'very thoughtful and understanding [of] the student's opinions and preferences' in forming his mentorship approach. A postdoc mentioned that '[Dr. Hihath] helped [them] develop as both an academic and as a person [and] his enthusiasm for the pursuit of science as the head of [the] lab is contagious'. His group members commended Dr. Hihath’s 'excellent and speedy communication, as well as providing good feedback'. A mentee described Dr. Hihath as 'very knowledgeable yet humble and polite, which makes him very approachable for seeking advice and mentorship.'

Prof. Joshua Hihath, is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Davis. Dr. Hihath joined the UC Davis College of Engineering faculty in 2011. He seeks to understand charge transport and energy conversion in molecular-scale devices for applications spanning electronics, energy and health care. Molecules are inherently quantum-mechanical systems, and implementing robust applications from these systems will require significant advances in the understanding of nanoscale systems, processes and technologies. The Hihath group works to understand and control the physical properties of molecular-scale systems down to the level of a single molecule. This work involves not only understanding the interplay between the electrical, mechanical, optical and thermal properties of these systems, but also designing and developing unique molecular-scale functions that harness these properties for new device functions.

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