Professor Zhi Ding Awarded a 2020-2021 Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Award by Graduate Studies

image of Dr. Ding

Please join us in celebrating Professor Zhi Ding as a 2020-2021 recipient of the Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Award by Graduate Studies!

The Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Awards recognizes faculty that provide outstanding service in advising and mentoring at the graduate program level. The Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Program (ECEGP) selected him for this award due to his excellent service to his graduate program, as well as his positive impact on graduate students and his colleagues.

The award letter from the Graduate Studies captures Prof. Ding’s exemplary advising and mentoring as follows:

“Graduate Studies is committed to showcasing and promoting positive mentoring experiences like yours. Graduate advising and mentoring is vital for guiding students through their degrees and professional development, while also helping to ensure their overall success and well-being. Your efforts exemplify outstanding service in mentorship and we hope you will join us in championing the benefits and significance of graduate student mentoring across campus,” said Jean-Pierre Delplanque, Vice Provost and Dean – Graduate Studies.

The testimonials from Prof. Ding’s graduate students speak to the outstanding qualities of Prof. Ding’s mentorship:

One graduate student remarked, “I attribute my success not only to the engineering and research training during their graduate study years but more importantly, to the scientific integrity Prof. Ding has fostered and instilled in his students. We learned the value of working hard and not attempting shortcuts, facing adversity and failure, head-on, and not giving up.”

One of Dr. Ding’s mentees mentioned, “Prof. Ding set-up a very good role model for me, and motivated me to work meticulously to solve problems in communication systems, pay great attention to details, and benefited me tremendously throughout my later career in industry.”

One of Prof. Ding’s PhD student’s stated, “In addition to guiding my research, he was an outstanding advisor that taught me how to contribute to technical conferences and journals, compose technical briefings, and how to collaborate with others.”

Prof. Zhi Ding is a Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Davis. Prof. Ding joined the UC Davis College of Engineering faculty in 2000. Prof. Ding and his research team (BRATLab) are interested in the broad field of signal and data processing, communications, and networking technologies. The BRATlab engages in frontline research on developing efficient and high-speed algorithms for signal processing, wireless communications, data analysis, and networking. These cutting-edge research works have broad scope application in today’s edge computing, Internet of Things, online artificial intelligence, cyber-physical control systems. Professor Ding is a also a steering committee member of UC Davis TETRAPODS Institute of Data Science.

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