Computer System and Hardware Security

Taking Two from the CHEST

Many of the ECE student members who participate in UC Davis CHEST Center quickly secure positions in academia and industry after graduation where they go on to share the things they learned at the UC Davis CHEST Center for the benefit of others.

Researchers in Houman Houmayoun's ECE lab Have Identified a New Vulnerability in the Cloud Scheduler, Which Potentially Opens the Door for Sophisticated Micro-Architectural Attacks

Researchers from both UC Davis and George Mason University have recently identified a vulnerability in the cloud scheduler which can open the door for future micro-architectural attacks deployed on the cloud. 

A micro-architectural attack is a type of attack strategy that exploits the design flaws in hardware to affect the execution of certain programs or extract secret data from victim programs. It has been proven that micro-architectural attacks can be a serious threat to cloud infrastructures. 

ECE Professor Houman Homayoun and CS Professor Matt Bishop Receive the 2021 Dean’s Collaborative Research Award (DECOR)

Cyber security is a worldwide concern. Our systems, infrastructure, and indeed our society rely on it. Many places study the security of systems in general, of software, and of the policies and procedures supporting them. But the security and assurance of hardware is much less studied. As our infrastructure and systems rely on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment, the security and assurance of hardware is integral to our systems, infrastructure, and society. Hardware security arises in a number of places.