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ECE Distinguished Professor Neville Luhmann Receives $1.6M from Department of Energy for Experimental Fusion Device

Prof Neville LuhmannProf. Neville Luhmann's research group was recently awarded three separate grants by competitive peer review under a Department of Energy Funding Opportunity Announcement sponsored by the Fusion Energy Sciences program (FES) within DOE’s Office of Science. Two grants support a UCD collaboration with the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory to upgrade the National Spherical Tokamak Experiment Upgrade (NSTX-U) and will support experiments, data analysis, and computer modeling and simulation of plasma behavior by developing a Far-Infrared  (FIR) interferometer/ polarimeter and a 700 GHz collective scattering system. For more details of the funding please click here. The third grant will develop a millimeter wave integrated circuit (MMIC) system-on-chip (SoC) active and passive millimeter wave imaging systems under the DOE FES program on Measurement Innovations for Fusion Energy and Plasmas. A complete list of awardees, under FES programs, may be found on their homepage under, "What's New". 



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