Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Chen-Nee Chuah sat down with Dean Richard L. Corsi and Professor of Computer Science Ian Davidson to discuss the current and near-future roles of artificial intelligence and its real and anticipated implications for society.
Come learn about the exciting new developments in education and research in ECE at UC Davis! An agenda for the event is included below.
Event registration is now closed. Please email Rebecca Bailey (, if you missed the RSVP deadline but would still like to participate!
Microfabrication is gaining more importance than ever in the US. Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Erkin Şeker and his lab believe video games may be the answer for training the growing workforce.
The New York Times spoke with Jeremy Munday, a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Davis, to discuss the environmental and ecological impact of a new, ultra-white paint that can reflect 98 percent of sunlight.
Hyoyoung Jeong, a scholar whose work at the interface of bio-integrated electronics and medical applications has gained international media attention, is the newest faculty member within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Davis.
Please join us in congratulating Prof. William Putnam on receiving an Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Program (YIP) award for his proposal, entitled "Superradiant Smith-Purcell Emission in the Mid-Infrared via Guided-Wave Electron Optics”.
Prof. Neville Luhmann's research group was recently awarded three separate grants by competitive peer review under a Department of Energy Funding Opportunity Announcement sponsored by the Fusion Energy Sciences program (FES) within DOE’s Office of Science.
Texas Instruments (TI) has continued to provide generous support of the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department’s undergraduate teaching labs during the pandemic. This has been especially helpful during the ramp-up of high-quality, hands-on, remote lab instruction. “Texas Instruments supports the engaging learning experience created at UC Davis, especially in this time where remote learning is so critical,” said ChengNing Wang, director of university marketing at Texas Instruments.
Please join us in congratulating Prof. Weijian Yang on receiving a National Institutes of Health Brain Initiative R01 Grant, titled "Large-field-of-view high-throughput two-photon endoscope to image neuronal activity," co-funded by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and National Eye Institute (NEI).