Prof. Chen-Nee Chuah Is Co-Investigator on $4M Department of Defense Grant
ECE Professor Chen-Nee Chuah is a co-investigator on a $4-million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) for the project titled “Endovascular Perfusion Augmentation for Critical Care (EPACC): Personalized and Adaptive Therapy for Resuscitation After Trauma.”
This is multi-institution project is led by Prof. Austin Johnson from the Department of Emergency Medicine and Prof. Jason Adams from Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine in the UC Davis School of Medicine, and includes collaborators from Wake Forest School of Medicine, the United States Air Force and the United States Navy.
Post-injury resuscitation is predicated on maintaining adequate systemic perfusion via balanced blood transfusion, crystalloids and vasopressors. Yet these medical supplies are often limited in resource-constrained environments. Furthermore, the care of critically injured patients during damage control resuscitation requires continuous patient management at the bedside to optimize outcomes.
This project aims to develop a novel resuscitation platform that optimizes critical care management in real time. By harnessing the power of endovascular devices with AI assisted fluid and medication delivery, this platform can provide highly nuanced, dynamic and patient-centered precision critical care beyond what is possible by conventional means.