UCD ECE Professor Jane Gu's lab Receives 0.68M NSF Major Research Instrumentation Grant

Quick Summary

  • National Science Foundation awards UCD ECE professor Jane Gu's lab a Major Research Institute grant for equipment to generate and capture high frequency electronic signals
Asian woman in a black outfit standing next to a younger Asian person by a laboratory bench with equipment
Dr. Jane Gu

The National Science Foundation has awarded UC Davis, electrical and computer engineering department (ECE) a Major Research Instrument Grant for ultra-high-speed data instrumentation for research in the millimeter-wave and TeraHertz frequency regime.  The ability to generate and capture electronic signals at such high frequencies is essential to the ongoing research in ECE in THz integrated circuits and systems, THz semiconductor devices and ultra-fast electronics and photonics. Also, this is useful for micro/nano 2-D material/metamaterial-based THz devices and circuits for which there are applications in wide bandwidth and flexible optical networking, data-mining, machine learning, and hardware security.

This $0.68M project is led by Q. Jane Gu of the ECE department along with Bevan Baas, Juan Sebastian Gomez-Diaz, Houman Homayoun, Saif Islam, Neville Luhmann Jr., Omeed Momeni, Anh-Vu Pham, William Putnam and Ben Yoo of the ECE department, and Xin Liu of the CS department. The new instrumentation and resulting research will be used to foster strategic and long-term collaborations with industries, help to catalyze new companies with high market impact and innovative products and train future engineers for these fast-growing industries.

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